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Allodynamic Model of

Nervous System Recalibration


Douglas S Allen, CD, SEP, MSW April 20, 2022.©



The allodynamic model of Nervous System Recalibration is the multidirectional interplay of independent and interdependent processes used by the brain to continuously predict and allocate energy for survival, growth, or both.


Allo – refers to “other” as in options and denotes the relationship with homeostatic processes for which it is responsible to but has a greater capacity to calibrate stability for the rest of the organismic needs in response to stress for the purpose of survival, growth or both.

Dynamic- refers to “the force” that enables change or action. It refers to that which can move and is flexible. It is the opposite of static.

The fundamental feature of allodynamic processes is that they are in constant motion. It is this constant motion that defines its function-ability.  Allostasis is the energy limit the organism has in their allodynamic process. Just like Homeostasis is the narrow limits of flexibility for its few basic but essential processes such as body temperature and glucosamine regulation. Static is stuckness, where change cannot occur. Change is the essence of adaptation. Adaptation is what enables survival, growth, or both.


Nervous System Recalibration is an in-the-moment action technique of taking a conscious inventory of the determining factors of the moment, incorporating internal and external, past, present, and future conditions, to adjust or recalibrate the nervous system to function in a way that is more appropriate for the present moment. This can be done moment to moment.

It is a structured way of assessing the body and recalibrating it to operate more appropriately to the current environment in real time.

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